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Shamanic Energy Practitioner

I will be visiting the beautiful Farm for Wellbeing in the Adelaide Hills from the 27th - 30th March to offer Shamanic Energy Medicine sessions. These sessions run for 2 hours and will include an initial consultation where I will explain a little about SEM if you are not familiar with it. We will then discuss your situation, any challenges that you are facing, or growth that you are seeking to achieve. We will agree on the intention for the session and I will explain the shamanic techniques to be used. After the work is complete we will discuss anything that came up for you or myself, what you experienced, and how you should integrate the session over the following days, as well as any further sessions that may be recommended. If time allows I may also do an oracle card reading for you to provide further guidance. Once you have booked, an email will be sent to you confirming your booking and providing further information about how to prepare for your energy medicine session.

If you have any questions, please send me an email via the contact form at the bottom of this page.
To make a booking please visit:

“The Q’ero are saying it and many others are saying it. This is the new Pachakuti, the time of the Divine Feminine, the time of the heart. We are in it, the Sun has risen, it is two things at once – the world turned upside down and the time to find ourselves. Through the shaking of things as we know them, we remember who we really are. We come together. We grow into beings of greater light than we have known before. This is possible BUT it is up to us! It is time to speak our truth. It is time to open our hearts and live from this place. The Illumined doorway is open now and the way is through our hearts. It is time for the people of the heart, the Munay (Love) tribe to gather and lead the way. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Deepest Munay (Love) to you all, deep Yankay (Manifestation) and Yachay (Wisdom). Aho!”

~ Augustin – Pampa Mesayoq Shaman

About Phillipa Holden

I am trained and certified in the Andean Q’ero tradition by the Four Winds Academy (founded by Dr. Alberto Villoldo) as a Master Practitioner of Energy Medicine. I am deeply grateful to my teachers and to the lineage of Indigenous healers who are now sharing their knowledge in this time that the prophecies spoke of.

While I worked as an ecologist for over thirty years, seeking ways to care for and heal the earth, I have always had a calling to follow the shamanic path. Eventually I realised the time had come to embrace this yearning and to find a new way of supporting the much-needed change to the way we live on our beautiful home Earth (Pachamama). I am also a yoga teacher and artist and I seek to bring shamanic wisdom and inspiration into both of these pursuits.

Through coming into harmony with Spirit and the natural world, we heal ourselves and help others to heal themselves. I seek to share the knowledge that has been shared with me to support others in releasing obstacles and burdens and to connect with their true essence, embracing a life of purpose and beauty, shining their light into the world.

What Is Shamanic Energy Medicine?

Shamanism is an ancient healing tradition and moreover, a way of life. It is a way to connect with nature and all of creation. It was practiced by our forebears and is still practiced by First People all over the world, and thus shamanism can be viewed as the universal spiritual wisdom inherent to all peoples.

Shamans understand that we exist in a quantum field where everything is interconnected, a phenomenon that has recently been recognised by modern science. Shamanic Energy Medicine works directly with the Luminous Energy Field (LEF) that penetrates and surrounds our physical bodies and that informs our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing, like a blueprint or matrix.

Negative emotions associated with trauma or other karmic events can leave imprints in this field that continue to affect us, keeping us stuck in cyclical patterns or perhaps even manifesting as disease over time. We may also be affected by other disempowering energies that need to be removed. The Shaman works with spirit helpers and allies in non-ordinary reality to clear these away.

Shamanic Energy Medicine is intended to help bring us back into harmony and balance or right relationship with the world and each other (Ayni). It is empowering in that you are ultimately in charge of your own healing journey, while the shamanic energy practioner is there to assist and guide you on your way.

While a single session can create powerful shifts in one’s life, I recommend three to four sessions so that we can dive deeply and achieve significant and lasting results. Together we will find and release the energetic component of issues that are troubling you now or that represent repeating themes in your life.

Just as a stream can become blocked over time with rocks and debris, we go together to the source of the issue to release blockages and allow your energy to flow freely. If you wish to take it further, you are invited to embark on a s/hero’s journey of self-realisation and transformation as you reach for your highest destiny.

Illustration credit: Charles Frizzell


Energy Healing & Wellbeing


Various techniques are practised and I will assess what is needed in each session (60-75 min). These sessions can be conducted in person or remotely online (through Zoom or WhatsApp). These include:

  • Illumination – is the core practice used to find and release energetic imprints from the luminous energy field so that we are not defined by our past and events that we have experienced.
  • Decoupling – used to switch off the Fight-Flight-Freeze response where the physical body is trapped in a stress response – decoupling can free us from this positive feedback loop so that we can live free of fear.
  • Cord-cutting – breaks unhealthy connections between you and other people or entities that are physically, mentally, or emotionally draining.
  • Extraction – the removal of intrusive energies from your luminous energy field.
  • Soul-retrieval – returns and reintegrates a soul part that was lost or frozen due to a traumatic event, while changing any limiting contracts that were made in a moment of distress.
  • Ancestral healing – clears ancestral or family karma and patterns that continue to affect your life in an unwanted or detrimental way.
  • Destiny retrieval – seeing, retrieving, and installing your highest destiny.

Cost: $120-150

Rites of Passage


Ritual and ceremony are an important part of the human experience, and it is in this way that the human brain is able to change and that we can come to terms with where we are in life and what this means for us.

I am available to work with you in crafting and delivering ceremonies to honour important life events such as the birth of a new child and welcoming them into the family, to honour the passage from youth into adulthood, to celebrate marriage, and to assist the dying.

Cost dependent on the type of ceremony.

The Great Death Rite


This rite helps the transitioning soul by facilitating successful detachment from the physical body and the earth realm and journeying to the higher realms.

Prior to death, recapitulation helps the dying and their family or loved ones to heal hurts, let go of any regrets, and say final goodbyes. Together we work through a process that is designed to prepare the emotional and energy body for the great transition.

Surrogate death rites can be performed for those who have already passed so that final goodbyes can still be spoken, and the departed soul can be assisted as needed in their passage to the higher realms. This is particularly important where someone may have passed in a traumatic way, such as through suicide or an accident, or where they were heavily medicated at the time of passing.

Cost: $150 – 350 dependent on services delivered

Rites of the Munay-Ki


The prophecies of the ancient Americas speak about a period of great transformation and foretell of a new human appearing on the planet – persons of wisdom and power who live free of fear and abide in their eternal nature: Homo luminous.

The Rites of the Munay-Ki are energetic transmissions that heal the wounds of the past: The karmic and genetic programs and beliefs we inherited. They upgrade our Luminous Energy Field and re-inform our DNA, enabling us to grow a new body that ages, heals, and dies differently.

Spiritual initiations have been practiced for millennia by peoples around the earth. The rites of the Munay-Ki are based on initiatory practices of the shamans from the Andes mountains, Amazon jungle, and coasts of Perú. It was Dr. Alberto Villoldo who distilled this wisdom throughout decades of working and studying with these master healers, first as a medical anthropologist and then as an initiated shaman. In his own words:
“The Munay Ki rites are stripped from the outer form of the indigenous cultures they come from. I did this to respect the native traditions, and to avoid the idea that persons from the West can become traditional shamans or Indians. I offer these rites with full permission from my teacher, don Manuel Quispe, who was the last great medicine man of the Q’ero Inka nation. Any fault or flaw in their presentation is exclusively my own.”

In the Quechua language, “Munay” means universal love. “Ki” is from the Japanese word for energy, as in life force. Together, these words mean the power of love. As the ten rites of the Munay-Ki germinate, our heart awakens, and we feel empowered to dream an entire new world into being – the world that we yearn for our children’s children to inherit.

You are invited to receive these rites, which will be given to you over a series of weeks, as your Luminous Energy Field is ready to receive and integrate them. Each session (either online or in person) will include an atunement to prepare you, transmission of the rite, a short integration period, and then exercises to do at home to further integrate and grow the energetic seed that has been planted in you. These rites will help you to evolve on a mental, emotional and spiritual level.

Cost: $1,100 for all eleven sessions

Home & Land Clearing Blessing


Perhaps you have moved into a new home or a new workspace, and the energy feels stale or sad. Perhaps you have had a major life shift in your space, such as death or divorce. Perhaps you are rekindling your life as empty nesters. You realise your space feels heavy and weighed down with old, stagnant memories and energy. Release and clear these heavy and unwanted energies, and bring new vibrancy and meaning into your home and work space.

Perhaps your farm, land, or your garden has stopped being as productive as it once was. Bring life and vibrancy back through activation with primordial energy to revitalise your land.

$TBC depending on what is required

Ayni Despachos (Prayer Bundle)


An Ayni Despacho can be offered to bring healing and blessing for you, your family, or your community. The despacho is created in layers with different offerings that are symbolic of what is being sought, and prayers are blown into it. The despacho is then burnt in a sacred fire to release these prayers to the heavens.


Book A Session

Punchpass Schedule

To make a booking for an Energy Healing & Wellbeing session please click on the button above. Bookings are made through my Spirit Yoga Punchpass portal. Please purchase an Energy Medicine pass then make a booking for a time and day that suits you. A confirmation email will be sent to you asking if you would like to attend in person (on Kangaroo Island) or online via Zoom. Please reply to this email, where after I will send you my physical address or a Zoom link for online attendance, together with other information on preparing for your Energy Medicine session. If you cannot find a time/day that suits you on the schedule, please get in touch with me to arrange one that does.

Should you be interested in any of the other services offered, or if you would like to chat to me before making a booking, then please send me an email through the contact form at the bottom of this page.

What People Are Saying

“My reason for taking a session with Phillipa was because I was intrigued by this healing method. Not knowing or understanding much of Shamanic practice, I trusted her guidance. After a couple of sessions I noticed that the ongoing bad dreams that I have had (for as long as I can remember) were completely gone. Something had been removed and I am no longer weighed down by ongoing traumatic dreams that were affecting my whole day/life. I am now able to think freely, for the burden of night terrors has left. This welcoming relief of knowing that I am at peace is a blessing.

Phillipa has the gift of healing and I would recommend her to anyone who is seeking personal harmony.”

Esther WillsonKangaroo Island, South Australia

“My sessions with Phillipa shifted a physical ailment connected to an ancestral pattern and my whole family benefitted.
I have known her for over twenty years. When I met her she had a job where she was well educated, competent, fearless and successfully working for the rights of first people, while carrying substantial responsibility in her family.
Now she is thoroughly competent, fearless and successfully working in the spirit world to help our human family and our planet.
I wholeheartedly recommend her to you.”

Paulina WrightBarrydale, South Africa

“I was at a cross roads in my life when I started working with Phillipa. She showed great care and compassion and clarity when working with me. Her honesty and humbleness made me feel cared for and at home in my own skin. My apprehension for being at such great distance from her was of no consequence as I could feel her clearing and healing working in and through me. Much Gratitude.”

Nanette FlemmingWarrington, South Africa